Photography Open Call “Corpo a Corpo”

Key Info

Versione IT qui

Festival del Ciclo Mestruale is a non-profit event created to change the narrative on the menstrual cycle, and recognize it as a fundamental issue for health and gender equality.

On the occasion of the 3rd edition of Festival we are thrilled to announce the Photography Open Call “Corpo a Corpo”. The participation is open to all photographers (professional and amateur) older than 18, with a selection of images that address the theme of this edition in an original and creative way.

28 Feb: Call Opens
26 Mar: Call Closes
Apr: Pre-selection
3 May: Announcement of the selected artists
25-26 May: Exhibition at the Festival


Main exhibit
(alphabetical order)

Angela Crosti
Annalaura Ianni
Aurora Saita
Beatrice Lezzi (Bebe Le)
Charlotte J Ward
Costanza Musto
Giulia Bernardi
Giulia Gualazzi
Giulia Hrvatin
Irene Trancossi
Jocelyn Allen
Kamila K Stanley
Korotkikh Anastasiya Vladimirovna
Marta Mengardo
Martina Macera
Moni Jia Rui Scherer & Shannon Tomasik
Sara Lorusso
Sara Palmieri
Silvia Bertoldo
Silvia Mangosio
Sofia Masini
Yuelin Yang

Collective exhibit
(alphabetical order)

Agnese Cuomo
Alice Risaliti
Ana Leal
Anastasiia Marinich
Angela Crosti
Annalaura Ianni
Arianna Tomasiello
Arvind Premanand
Aurora Saita
Beatrice Calastrini
Beatrice Lezzi (Bebe Le)
Carla Miniero
Carmine Acquaviva
Charlotte J Ward
Chiara Angiolini
Chiara Glionna
Chiara Marigliano
Costanza Musto
Daria Lazo
Denis Borovskikh
Dziyana Vopseva
Elisa Ghion
Elisa Turri
Emma Bolcato
Erica Muller
Gaia Maggio
Giorgia Tobiolo
Giovanni Firmani
Giulia Bernardi
Giulia Gualazzi
Giulia Hrvatin
Grégory Herpe
Gugulethu Ndlalani
Halyna Bezverkhnia
Hannah Schemel, Marcil Contreras, Fatma Eltarhuni, Malak Fayed, Tung Chen
Ignacia Bakal Ibañez
Irene Trancossi
Jessica Mariani & Malena Tils
Jocelyn Allen
Kamila K Stanley
Korotkikh Anastasiya Vladimirovna
Lisa Martini
Ludmilla De Luca Perazzi
Lulu Withheld
Marco Castelli
Maria Alejandra Gallego
Marie Le Moigne
Marta Mengardo
Martina Civardi
Martina Macera
Melanie Anne Washeim
Michael Banifatov
Michelle Fontanesi
Moni Jia Rui Scherer & Shannon Tomasik
Mustafa Sarp Danisoglu
Noemi Belotti
Polina Schneider
Rajendra Mohan Pandey
Sara De Santis
Sara Lorusso
Sara Palmieri
Silvia Bertoldo
Silvia Mangosio
Sofia Masini
Stefano Lembo
Valentina Di Pasquale
Wanda von Bremen
Xinqi Qiu

Period Up – printed publication
(alphabetical order)

Aurora Saita
Giulia Hrvatin
Irene Trancossi
Marta Mengardo
Martina Macera
Sara Lorusso
Silvia Bertoldo


For this year, the chosen theme by the artistic directors of the FDCM is “Corpo a Corpo” (Body to Body).

What energy do our bodies release? What happens if multiple bodies in a single space unite or contrast different energies?

It happens that fluxes travel from one gaze to another, hands touches, or bodies embrace each other. But it also happens that the electrical voltage repels them, that their backs move away and everyone's heads turn the other way.

When bodies meet, they immediately sew threads of distance or closeness between them, invisible only at first sight. The meeting also takes place in solitude, of a body with its space around it: a void that is not empty but made of visions, thoughts, words, emotions, flavors, and smells. Full of energy circles, in a perfect correspondence between external and internal cyclicality. They are circles of energy that run their course inside our bodies writing much of our history, like the voices of a choir or the words of a book.

Whether small or large, whether it feels free or caged. Whether poor or rich, young or old, healthy or infirm, screaming or silent. Of man or woman, neither man nor woman. Imagine the body, imagine it body to body.


  • Call Opens
    28 February 2024
  • Call Closes
    26 March 2024
  • Selected artists announcement
    3 May 2024
  • Exhibition
    25-26 May 2024


The exhibition will be co-curated by the Creative Direction of the Festival and Rocco Venezia (curator and visual artist).

At the discretion of the jury and curators, all relevant photographs will be displayed in the installation. The selected artists will receive a guaranteed place in the participative installation with one or more images and their names will be included in the main credits.

The exhibition will be hosted in Milan in the 120-meter-square space of Rob de Matt – a socially involved association that promotes social care and fights situations of hardship – and will be composed of two main parts:

1. Curated Exhibit
A curated journey through bodies, relationships, and cycles.

2. Collective participatory installation
A wall that will take shape through the interaction and choices of the exhibition's visitors.

A selection of photographs will be included in "Period Up: il report", a publication that collects contributions and reflections arising from the FDCM's activities on the menstrual cycle, female health and hygiene, and which will be presented and distributed during the 2024 Festival.


The works received will be evaluated by a jury composed of:

  • Artistic Direction of the Festival
  • Rocco Venezia (curator and visual artist)
  • Giulia Bardelli (co-founder Studio But Maybe, art director Promise Aps)
  • Lorenzo Louis Pradelli (art director Sleek Magazine)

Participation Fee

Festival del Ciclo Mestruale is a non-profit event created to change the narrative on the menstrual cycle, and recognize it as a fundamental issue for health and gender equality. It wants to combat the forms of marginalization that still affect people who menstruate, and create a space for listening and reflection by promoting a support network. It wants to help understand and manage the physical and emotional symptoms related to period, and inform about health devices to make informed and sustainable choices.

Your donations make this commitment possible. Applications have a non-obligatory donation of €5.00 to be made via PayPal to If you are unable or unwilling to pay the donation, you can participate for free. The donation helps the Festival cover the production costs of the exhibition, without generating profit.

Terms & Conditions

At this link you can view the terms and conditions of participation.